domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

Top 20 rarezas de Roger Taylor.


1. What's On Your Mind / I'll Go Crazy / Bona Serra / Just A Little Bit 
(by Johnny Quale & The Reaction, Sound Studios D 105 10, UK 7" Metal Acetate, 1966) - £1,500 +
2. I Got You / In The Midnight Hour 
(by The Reaction, Sound Studios 105 11, UK 7" Metal Acetate, 1966) - £1,500 +
3. I Wanna Testify / Turn On The TV 
(EMI, no catalogue no., UK 7" metal acetate, 1977) - £1,000 +
4. Strange Frontier 
(EMI, SP 8406 JU, UK LP test pressing, unique P/S, 1984) - £750
5. Fun In Space 
(EMI, no catalogue no., UK LP test pressing, unique P/S, 1981) - £750
6. Happiness? 
(EMI TOCP-8290, Japan, 13 track promo CD with OBI, includes both 'Final Destination' and 'Dear Mr Murdoch', 1994) - £500
7. Beautiful Dreams / Young Love 
(EMI 2004257, Portugal, 7", unique P/S, 1984) - £500
8. I Wanna Testify / Turn On The TV 
(EMI 4C-006-99504, Belgium, 7", unique P/S, 1977) - £450
9. I Wanna Testify / Turn On The TV 
(EMI 5C-006-99504, Netherlands, 7", unique P/S, 1977) - £350
10. Superstar Countdown 
(TBS Syndications TBS SC 042, Canada, 2-LP radio show, no P/S, 1985) - £150
11. Let's Get Crazy / Laugh Or Cry 
(Elektra P1529E, Japan, 7", unique insert P/S, 1981) - £150
12. Nazis 1994 (Single) / Nazis 1994 (Radio) / Nazis 1994 (Makita) / Nazis 1994 (Big Science) 
(EMI 7243 8 81140 25, Netherlands, withdrawn CD, P/S, 1994) - £75
13. I Wanna Testify / Turn On The TV 
(EMI 2679, UK, 7" Demo, 1977) - £70
14. Man On Fire / Killing Time 
(EMI EMS 17467, Japan, 7" unique insert P/S, 1984) - £70
15. Strange Frontier / I Cry For You / Two Sharp Pencils
(EMI 12EMI5490, UK, 12", unique P/S, 1984) - £65
16. Pressure On 
(EMI FIRE1, Europe, withdrawn 3 track promo CD, P/S, 1999) - £65
17. Fun In Space 
(Elektra 5T 8522, US, boxed 8-Track Cartridge, 1981) - £60
18. Man On Fire / Killing Time 
(EMI 12EMI5478, UK, 12", unique P/S, 1984) - £50
19. Foreign Sand 
(with Yoshiki, EMI FOREIGN1, Netherlands, 1-track promo CD, P/S, 1994) - £40
20. Nazis 1994 (Single) / Nazis 1994 (Radio)
(EMI 72438 8114124, Netherlands, withdrawn CD, card P/S, 1994) - £40

Dear Mr Murdoch de News Of QUEEN Blog.


-Corría el año 1994 y Roger Taylor estaba trabajando en los toques finales de su tercer álbum de estudio titulado Happiness?.Uno de los temas que componen este álbum,es Dear Mr Murdoch,dirigido al magnate de la prensa inglesa.Suyo es el diario The Sun,revista amarilla que torturó la dignidad de Freddie Mercury entre los años 1989 y 1991.
The Sun.Ejemplar de 1991y poster.
Roger decidió crear el tema de manera que fuera una carta camuflada en canción dirigida a Murdoch.Hablo del año 1991,cuando Roger se encontraba trabajando junto a The Cross en el tercer y último álbum de este grupo,Blue Rock.El tema se descartó del álbum y quedó en el archivo de Roger,pero no muy atrás,sino más bien de los primeros trabajos pendientes de su lista.
Desde mi punto de vista,creo que Roger le tiene bastante cariño al tema,puesto que lo incluyó en la cara B de los singles Pressure On Cd2 de 1998 y a la cara B del single Happiness? de 1994.También,Roger remasterizó el tema por completo y en julio de 2011 editó un single virtual que solo se podía adquirir mediante la descarga que se titulaba Dear Mr Murdoch 2011 version.Hasta el día de hoy se considera el último tema que ha publicado Roger en solitario.Se piensa que puede ser incluido en su nuevo álbum de estudio A Night At The Odeon,pero no nos hagamos ilusiones por el momento.
Roger Taylor.
Sigo con la versión original del año 1994.Con una duración de 4 minutos y 18 segundos en todas las plataformas,Dear Mr Murdoch se convirtió en la pista 11 del álbum Happiness? y uno de sus temas predilectos.En su gestación contó en la participación de Roger a la voz principal,a los coros,al bajo eléctrico,a la guitarra eléctrica,a la batería y al teclado y fue respaldado por Jason Falloon a la guitarra eléctrica y Mike Crossley a los teclados y en la producción participaron Roger y Joshua ''Josh'' Macrae(El cual coprodujo junto a Roger la mayoría del álbum Happiness?).
El corte arranca con la voz de Roger cantando el estribillo de forma tranquila y acompañado de una melodía tranquila y agradable que desembocan en el segundo 18 en una voz de fondo que se complementa fuertemente con la batería.El resto del tema alterna las voces de Roger y se escucha perfectamente el teclado.En el minuto 1 y 29 segundos,se efectúa el solo de guitarra,que es algo sencillamente espléndido hasta el minuto 1 y 46 segundos que se repiten los versos anteriores.
En este tema,Roger demuestra una vez más que no tiene ni un solo pelo en la lengua(Al igual que los demuestra en Nazis '94 del mismo álbum) y que no tiene miedo a denunciar las injusticias.
En Dear Mr Murdoch se aprecian versos que traducidos al español vienen a ser lo siguiente: ''Con su juerga patriotera nos estamos ahogando en basura.'',''Las malas noticias son un buen negocio'',''Usted es el rey de las tetas'' o ''Pega la mejilla al culo que se encuentra en la página 3''.Estos versos demuestran que el tema es un arma de doble filo que ataca sin piedad a The Sun y a su dueño.
Ruppert Murdoch.
Roger hizo ver a los fans lo que era The Sun y revistas derivadas y como pueden ser perfectamente capaces de herir la dignidad de las personas por una suma repetitiva diaria.
Otros rasgos llamativos,muy llamativos del tema son las acusaciones de criminal sexual que lanza Roger contra Murdoch.
Algo que más de uno de vosotros se habrán preguntado.''¿Que dijo el señor Murdoch sobre la canción de Roger?'',pues lamento decirles que nada.No se si fueron los factores de cobardía y de odio los que impidieron que hablara sobre el tema y su opinión.Una pena.
Os voy a contar mi opinión respecto al track.Me parece una canción que deja boqueabierto a todo el que la escucha y que es el tema idóneo para vengarse de lo que The Sun hizo con Freddie Mercury 3 años atrás y se ha convertido en una de mis canciones favoritas de Roger en solitario.Cuando la escuché por primera vez en mi cuarto tras comprar el disco Happiness?,me quedé más que satisfecho y acto seguido pensé:''Seguro que tuvo un cierto éxito en 1994''.Pero no acerté con tanta precisión en mis pensamientos.
Una curiosidad,en Japón,el álbum Happiness? dejó de lado a Dear Mr Murdoch y la remplazó por Final Destiantion(Roger y Yoshiki),cara B del single Foreign Sand de 1994,sin  embargo algunas copias promocionales japonesas incluyen ambos temas.

Portada de la reedición de 2011.
Dear Mr Murdoch, what have you done?
With your news of the screws and your soaraway sun
You sharpen our hatred
You've blunted our minds
We're drowning in nipples and bingo and sex crimes

How many times must they poke and they pry
Must they twist and lie
Just to add to the grime they even screwed up the times
Love to kick their ass goodbye, oh wouldn't I?

Dear Mr Murdoch you play hard to see
But with your bare arsed cheek you should be on page three

And dear Mr Murdoch you're really the pits
Bad news is good business, you're the king of the tits

They stain all they touch, they're real woman haters
But we're on their trail
They go straight for the lowest common denominators
How could they fail - go straight to jail (no bail)

Dear Mr Murdoch you're a powerful man
You control half our media whose
 values don't scan life blood is scam
Dear Mr Murdoch we're not so amused
Just line up the people whose lives they've abused

Dear Mr Murdoch what do you know?
With your minions like vultures and carrion crow
They've sunk just as low as humans can sink
 money profit they tell us how mass murderers think

And dear Mr Murdoch you come down from on high
You even bought up the air waves, you control all our sky

Dear Mr Murdoch you're a dangerous chap
With your jingoist lingo we're drowning in crap

Dear Mr Murdoch where are you coming from
Getting so hard to tell if you're a yank, oz or pom

And dear Mr Murdoch, um, you're really the pits
Bad news is good business, you're the king of the tits

Dear Mr Murdoch, um, you do it with zing
At lowering the standards you're really the king

And dear Mr Murdoch what have you done
You're not quite as nice as Atilla The Hun

Murdoch, Murdoch, Murdoch, Murdoch

Dear Mr Murdoch 2011:

-Esta versión reeditada en julio de 2011,cuenta con más claridad vocal y una instrumentación más agradable que la versión original compuesta por una orquesta sintética y una guitarra.
Solo disponible en itunes y Amazon de modo descarga.............Por el momento.

Letra 2011.

-Dear Mr. Murdoch, what have you done
With your news of the screws and your soaraway sun?
You sharpen our hatred
You've blunted our minds
We're drowning in nipples and bingo and sex crimes

How many time must they poke and they pry
Must they twist and lie?
Just to add to the grime they even screwed up the times
Love to kick their arse goodbye oh wouldn't i!

Dear Mr. Murdoch you play hard to see
But with your bare-arsed cheek you should be on page three
And dear Mr. Murdoch you're really the pits
Bad news is good business, you're the king of the tits

They stain all they touch, they're real woman haters
But we're on their trail
They go straight for the lowest common denominators
How could they fail? go straight to jail - (no bail)!

Dear Mr. Murdoch you're a powerful man
You control half our media whose lifeblood is scam
And dear Mr. Murdoch we're not so amused
Just line up the people whose lives they've abused

And dear Mr. Murdoch you come down from on high
You even bought up the air waves, you control all our sky

Dear Mr. Murdoch where are you coming from?
Getting so hard to tell if you're a yank, oz or pom
Dear Mr. Murdoch you're really the pits
Bad news is good business, you're the king of the tits

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

-En 1994(3 años después del fallecimiento de Freddie),Roger se volvió a lanzar a la aventura totalmente en solitario sin The Cross y QUEEN.En ese mismo año publicó el álbum Happiness?(Su mejor álbum solista para mi gusto),álbum en el que se incluían temas como Foreign Sand,Nazis 94',Happiness,Touch The Sky o Old Friends.Bien,en este post hablaré sobre Old Friends y lo que pienso respecto al tema.
Este corte habla sobre una amistad verdadera y eterna(Freddie y Roger) y es comparable con el tema de QUEENThese Are The Days Of Our Lives de 1991.Esta formado por una buena melodía que se complementa con la voz de Roger y las voces de las coristas.
Comienza con unas congas que apenas se oyen y el tema se abre con un trazado de un sonido agradable hasta volver a las congas de nuevo y dar paso a la voz insinuante de Roger que va cobrando forma a lo largo del tema.
La letra es sincera y emocionante,que al complementarse con la melodía del tema se forma toda una obra maestra por parte de Roger.

Old Friends fue compuesta en su totalidad por Roger Taylor y este corte fue el primer tema en ser dedicado a Freddie Mercury(Ya que a Brian no le dio tiempo para grabar un corte dedicado a su amigo y compañero,porque los temas de Back To The Light ya estaban listos en 1991 y No One But You es de 1997).Desde mi punto de vista,no podría haberse compuesto mejor tema por parte de Roger de despedir a Freddie y es una canción que debería haberse publicado en single o por lo menos como Cara B de alguno de los tres simples que fueron lanzados del álbum.
También este tema cierra el álbum que los fans tomamos como ''El mejor álbum de Roger Taylor fuera de QUEEN'',lo que le da aún mayor importancia.
La gira de Happiness ? tuvo el honor de contar con el tema para sus sets lists y haciendo emocionar al público en general.
La primera vez que se escucha el tema se siente una satisfacción absoluta y se observa a un Roger que no tiene nada que ver con I Wanna Tesfity o Fun In Space(A los que no tengo ninguna pega y que considero grandes trabajos de Roger,pero es que este tema se aleja por completo de ellos).
Una curiosidad sobre el corte,Roger a parte de llevar la voz principal y los coros,también lleva la batería  ,los teclados y la guitarra rítmica,pero estuvo respaldado por Jason Fallon a la guitarra eléctrica,Phil Spalding al bajo eléctrico y Mike Crossley en los teclados y partes corales, sin olvidarnos de una corista que compartían Roger y Brian en sus trabajos solistas llamada Catherine Porter,quien aseguró que:
“La sesión de "Old Friends" fue un poco intimidante al comienzo. Roger básicamente me dijo, "Vé qué puedes hacer” sin que yo hubiera pasado mucho tiempo con los tracks. Me tomó un tiempo soltarme, de hecho, fuimos afuera para conseguir algo para comer y regresé y contraataqué. Me las arreglé para eventualmente hacer algún buen material. Pienso que él estuvo complacido. Bueno, espero que lo haya estado, porque él lo usó en el album!”.
En cuanto a la producción,mejor dicho coproducción,corrió a cargo de Roger y su excompañero de The Cross,Joshua(''Josh'')Macrae,que también coprodújo junto a Roger gran parte del álbum Happiness?.
En definitiva,es un tema que sella la amistad eterna entre Freddie y Roger.

When the sun got big, and the night came down
We used to share a drink, and let the demons out
We let the good times rock - you made the bad times roll
We used to laugh a lot, you had a lot of soul

Old friends - in better times
Old friends of mine

And when the going got hard
And when times were tough
We put our backs to the wall
You used to strut your stuff
With a head held high and a heart so big
One fist at the sky - and shake a leg

Old friends - in better times

Even though, even though we miss you now
Look forward, don't look back
We'll get by somehow

Old friends of mine

And so I raise my glass in a last goodbye
Sleep in peace old friend, for me you'll never die
The best thing I can say, after all this time
You were a real friend, of mine

Old friends - in better times

lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013


Roger Taylor - Happiness - Rare Green vinyl 7"
-Editado el 14 de noviembre de 1994 como single principal del álbum Happiness? del mismo nombre y año.Existen 3 tipos de singles distintos.Uno en vinilo negro(Normal),Otro en Picture Disc y un tercero en coloured vinyl de color verde.Respecto al corte,es uno de los que entra en el Top 20 de Roger en solitario.Tiene un intro a piano muy conmovedor y una armonía muy innovadora.Su vídeo promocional muestra a Roger vestido de negro con unas gafas oscuras en mitad de una especie de desierto teñido por un cielo anaranjado.En el álbum homónimo se encuentra en la pista 2.Desgraciadamente,no fue un éxito,pero se incluyó en el Happiness? Tour de 1994 y 1995 y se mantenía intacta para el Electric Five Tour de 1998 y 1999.Se duda si la canción esta inspirada en Freddie Mercury.Es toda un joya de Roger.La primera vez que escuché el corte pensé:''Dios mio'' Roger se ha superado así mismo respecto a sus anteriores proyectos en solitario.Este álbum es mi favorito de Roger en solitario.
Vídeo Promocional.
Dirigido por Rudi Dolezal y Hannes Rossacher.
 Roger se sienta delante de unas nubes que se mueven al igual que en la portada del álbum y del single, cantando la canción en la cámara. Su posición cambia a lo largo de la canción.
There's just one thing
That we all crave
From the cradle
To the grave
A state of grace
Or state of mind
A point in space
Or point in time
In time of peace
In times of war
The self same goal
That we yearn for
Some have it all
But still have less
What we all need is happiness

Happiness is what you need
Yeah happiness is all around
I's not easy to define it
It can't easily be found
No it can't easily be found
It can't easily be found
You know that it's true
'Cos happiness
Just can't be bought
Such purity more precious still than gold
And happiness
Just can't be taught
When you*re young or if you're old
No matter how - how hard you try
In your own life, and through your years
With every up - must come a down
Enjoy the laughter and the tears
Of happiness

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2013

Electric Fire

Roger Taylor 'Electric Fire' UK LP front sleeve
Roger Taylor Electric Fire
Roger Taylor 'Electric Fire' UK LP back sleeve
Roger Taylor Electric Fire.
-Este es un álbum perfecto con todas sus letras.Desde Happiness?(Tercer álbum de Roger Taylor en solitario editado en 1994 y que es el favorito por los fans),Roger no grabó nada nuevo en solitario,pero regresó con este álbum que contenía un sonido que nunca antes habíamos escuchado de Roger.Las voces distorsionadas de fondos también fueron utilizadas en Happiness?,pero este nuevo álbum contenía grandes trazados de guitarras eléctricas y un gran bajo dejando de lado la importancia de la batería.La primera canción que yo escuche del álbum sin tenerlo todavía en mi posesión fue Pressure On,me extrañó un poco el título,porque era un título contrario al de QUEEN en Under Pressure(1981).Bueno,el caso es que esta nueva canción me dejo sin palabras.Era un tema de los mejores de Roger Taylor(Mi favorito de Roger en solitario es Foreign Sand,pero este tema casi lo toca).La voz de Roger en Pressure On era diferente a la de otras canciones anteriores en las que Roger ponía la voz principal.A los dos días me compré Electric Fire solo por tener disponible Pressure On,pero,descubrí que el álbum contenía pistas de semejante singularidad.Hablo de temas como Surrender(En este enlace se muestra una entrada dedicada solo a este corte Aquí o En este blog que también dirijo y habla solo de Roger),It's Me?,No More Fun,Belive In Yourself o Tonight(Entre otras).
El álbum se editó el 28 de septiembre de 1998 y sobre el título del álbum.Nunca se supo el porque de escoger el nombre de las chimeneas eléctricas como título de un álbum.Se editaron dos singles pertenecientes al álbum: Pressure On y Surrender.Ninguno fue un éxito.
UK CD1 inner sleeve
1-Pressure On-Ya he hablado de este corte y sinceramente me parece de los mejor del material de Roger en solitario.
2-A Nation Of Haircuts-Tiene pesadas guitarras y es una canción ''bipolar'',ya que en un solo segundo pasa de un ritmo casi Heavy a balada.
3-Belive In Yourself-Es una balada.Tiene una gran letra.Tiene un ritmo constante y muestra a un Roger que ha madurado en sus composiciones.
4-Surrender-Canción cantada a dos voces en el estribillo por Roger y Treana Morris.Habla sobre la violencia doméstica.Es la única canción del álbum que tiene un vídeo-clip.
5-People On Streets-Como curiosidad pongo que este iba a ser el título de los que luego se convirtió en Under Pressure.Tiene un ritmo oriental.
6-The Whisperers-Gran tema que contiene una gran variedad de coros.
7-Is It Me?-Canción rockera del álbum transformada casi en balada.De los mejores temas de este álbum.
8-No More Fun-En este tema Roger se desata y crea un temazo Glam Rock.
9-Tonight-Guitarra acústica,cajón y la voz de Roger es e lo que se compone este corte.
10-Where Are You Now?-Es uno de los temas con mensaje del álbum.
11-Working Class Hero-Único tema del álbum no compuesto por Roger Taylor,sino por John Lennon.Es un cover.
12-London Town - C'mon Down-Es un especie de reprise con Roger y voces de fondo como estrellas.No tiene perdición.
Personal del álbum.

  1. Roger Taylor - voz, batería, percusión, teclados, bajo, guitarras
  2. Antes de Keith - batería
  3. Steve Barnacle - bajo
  4. Mike Crossley - teclados
  5. Jason Falloon - guitarras, bajo
  6. Keith Airey - guitarras
  7. Mateo Exelby - guitarras
  8. Jonathan Perkins - teclados, voces
  9. Treana Morris - voz

1-Pressure On
UK CD1 postcard
Roger Taylor.
I got the pressure, pressure, pressure
Pressure, pressure, pressure, I got the pressure

I got the pressure
I got the pressure

Pressure from above
Pressure from below
I can't think straight
Or even go with the flow
Ah, ah, ah (ahhh, oooh)
I got the pressure on

Analysts here, therapists there
You ain't getting me sitting in your chair
Ah, ah, ah (ahhh, oooh)
I got the pressure on

The price is not right
Or open to debate
Besides I'm worried about my weight
Ah, ah, ah (ahhh, oooh)
I got the pressure on

It's a signal, it's a sign
It's a symptom of the time
It's a warning, it's a gauge
It's a feature of the age

Politics, schmolitics
I'm developing tics, clean out of tricks
Like a skin flick, just a little slick
So where's the kick?
(Ahhh, oooh)
I got the pressure on

I think about you, I think about me
We grew up but we don't feel free
Is this where we want to be
It's not you (ahhh, oooh), it's gotta be me

It's a signal, it's a sign
It's a symptom of the time
It's a warning, it's a gauge
It's a feature of the age

Pressure, pressure, pressure

It's a signal, it's a sign
It's a symptom of the time
It's a warning, it's a gauge
It's a feature of the age

Ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah

(Ah, ah, ah, ah) I got the pressure on
(Ah, ah, ah, ah) I got the pressure on
(Ah, ah, ah, ah) I got the pressure on me

2-A Nation Of Haircuts.
UK CD2 postcard
Roger Taylor a la betería.
How can you ever stand tall?

God help us all we're a nation of haircuts
How can you ever stand tall in a nation of haircuts
We don't make ships and we don't make cars
But we look real good hanging out in bars

You better never grow old in a nation of haircuts
Or you'll be out in the cold in a nation of haircuts
No point of view in a nation of haircuts, yeah
Fashion rules in a nation of haircuts

Check your shoes 
Check your hair
Last week's thing
Oh dear

And we salute you
All you groovy dudes
Yeah we salute you
You're so fucking cool

Check you threads, check your cred but you better not smile
Don't move too quick you might spoil your hairstyle
No point of view in a nation of haircuts
Fashion rules in a nation of haircuts

Check your shoes
Check your hair
Looking good

And we salute you
All you groovy dudes
Yeah we salute you
You're so fucking cool

You gotta drink the right drink in a nation of haircuts 

(A nation of haircuts)
You better watch what you think in a nation of haircuts 
(A nation of haircuts)
No point of view in a nation of haircuts 
(A nation of haircuts)
Fashion rules in a nation of haircuts

A nation of haircuts

A nation of haircuts
A nation of haircuts
A nation of haircuts
3-Believe In Yourself.
Used to think I was a loser
And all I did was bound to fail
To be a shaker and a mover
Keep the bad guys off your tail

Everybody wanna get to the top of the heap sometime (the top of the heap)
Everybody wanna climb to the top of the hill sometime (the top of the hill)
Everybody gotta take a little piece of the heat sometime (a piece of the heat)
Everybody gotta stand on their own two feet sometime

And I mean you, and I mean you
And I mean you, and I mean you
Believe in yourself, nobody else

Everybody wants a shot at a lick of the cream sometime (a lick of the cream)
Everybody wanna go, make a bit of a show sometime (a bit of a show)
Everybody need a chance, tap into the flow sometime
Everybody wanna trip, get a crack of the whip sometime

And I mean you, and I mean you
And I mean you, and I mean you
Believe in yourself, nobody else

And I mean you, and I mean you
And I mean you, and I mean you

People with problems
People on streets
People down your way
People you meet

Believe in yourself
Believe in yourself

Believe (bus conductors) in (people on trams) yourself (Welshmen and sheep, clamps)
Believe (lepidopterists) in (collectors of stamps) yourself (leopards with spots on, tramps)
I mean you (space wasting journalists), I mean you (people in far flung posts)
I mean you (unpleasant neighbours), I mean you (ghosts)
I mean you (Duane Eddy), and I mean you (lawyers with fees)
And I mean you (Elvis), and I mean you (deciduous trees)
And I mean you (bosses), and I mean you (pets)
And I mean you (nurses, vets)
Same cycle happen every day
Same characters, same play
My game plan's become clear
Gotta find a way out of here
There ain't no place to run
No welcome mat in my home
No love here, no life
He want a punch bag, not a wife

You can't hurt me now
You can't hurt me now
You can't hurt me now
I'm gone from you

You can't hurt me now
You can't hurt me now
You can't reach me where
I'm gone to

I surrender
I surrender

No hope left, just pain
Whisky on his breath, violence in his brain
Scared kids, with scarred minds
Surrender reason, love is blind
Surrender life, surrender love
Surrender belief in God above
Surrender hope, bow down to fear
Surrender life, there ain't much here

You can't hurt me now
You can't hurt me now
You can't hurt me now
I'm gone from you

You can't hurt me now
You can't hurt me now
You can't reach me where
I'm gone to

I surrender
I surrender
I surrender
I surrender

You can't reach me, you can't reach me
You can't reach me, you can't reach me
You can't reach me, you can't reach me
You can't reach me, you can't reach me

I surrender, you can't hurt me
I surrender, you can't hurt me
I surrender, you can't reach me
I surrender, you can't reach me
I surrender, you can't hurt me

5-People On Streets
Roger Taylor 'Surrender' promo postcard front Roger Taylor 'Surrender' promo postcard backI said a hey Michael Jackson and the politician
You wanna get out on the street and see what you can
I said a hey Mr President and senators too
I said a Mr Prime Minister it's good for you
I said all the Queen's women and all the Queen's men
Better get it together 'cos it's real broken
I said a whatta you need is a lesson in reality
Because the way it stands you're a real liability

Get out and meet people on streets
Get out and meet people on streets
You know and I know we're brothers in time
You know that truth is the right of mankind

I said a hey all you music stars and DJ's too
You'd better get real quick or it's up for you
And you quiz show hosts who think you're so fine
You talk to people like they're stupid and a waste of your time

And all you movie stars who think you're so cool
Maybe you're time is up and it's time for the truth
There's a lot of lessons needed in humility
Because the way it stands you're a real liability

Get out and meet people on streets
Get out and meet people on streets
You know and I know we're brothers in time
You know that justice is for all mankind

I said a hey Madonna and Roseanne Barr
Well you think that you're big, you're too big by far
If you think that you're important in the scheme of things
You'd better get real quick 'cos reality stinks
I said a hey Ayatollah you're a real big cheese
However much you talk it's just words in the breeze
If you're one of the people can't you prove it's true
Get out on the street and let reality come to you

Get out and meet people on streets
Get out and meet people on streets
You know and I know we're brothers in time
You know that justice is for all mankind

Get out and meet (you know and I know) people on streets (we're brothers in time)
Get out and meet (you know that justice) people on streets (is for all mankind)
Get out and meet (you know and I know) people on streets
Get out and meet (you know that justice) people on streets (is for all mankind)

Get out and meet (you know and I know) people on streets
Get out and meet (you know that justice) people on streets (is for all mankind)
You know and I know people on streets
Get on meet people on streets
6-The Whisperers
Between men, between horses there is mistrust and fear
And it's only got deeper with the passing of years
We know this from paintings, we know this from books
Some men had real magic while others just took

There were gypsies and showmen, and charlatan shamans
There were men who could softly whisper the devils away
John Solomon Rary tamed a horse of the Queen
Laid it down on the ground
Then he lay down beside it, put his head on it's hooves
You can imagine the scene

For secrets uttered softly into pricked and troubled ears
These men were known as whisperers
These men were known as whisperers

An Indian charm bought for the price of a meal
Was the secret of Sullivan that died with him for real?
We know this from paintings, we know this from books
Some men had real magic while others just talked

For secrets uttered softly to soothe all troubled fears
These men were known as whisperers
These men were known as whisperers

(Softly spoken secrets live in)
(Troubled fears are disappearing)
(With the passing of each year)

For secrets uttered softly to soothe all troubled fears
These men were known as whisperers
For secrets uttered softly into pricked and troubled ears
These men were known as whisperers
(Can you hear the whisperers)
These men were known as whisperers
(Can you hear the whisperers)
These men were known as whisperers
(Can you hear the whisperers)
These men were known as whisperers
(Can you hear the whisperers)
These men were known as whisperers
7-Is It Me?
So lonely, I'm so lonely
Is it me? Or is it you?
And I feel
And I feel
And I feel
So lonely
Only lonely
Without you

How many times must I sit by the phone
Must I feel so alone, must I stay in at home
I feel lonely

How many times can we patch up a fight
Can we stay home at night, try to keep out of sight
I feel blue

How many times can we drive ourselves mad
End up just feeling sad with a love turning bad
I'm so lonely
Only lonely
A without you

How many years are we wasting away
Trying to have the last say
End up counting the days
It seems crazy

How many tears does it take to remind
We're at the end of our line
Think I'm losing my mind
Crazy for you

How many fears do you need in your time
Without reason or rhyme
Without it meaning no crime
Must be crazy
I'm crazy
For loving you

And I feel
And I feel
And I feel
So lonely, I'm so lonely
Is it me? Or is it you?

And I feel
And I feel
And I feel
So lonely
Only lonely
Without you

How many tears must we cry in the night
Must we needlessly fight
Can't see no light
There's no hope left

How many pleas does it take to appease
When you're down on your knees
Seems that nothing can please
So hopeless

How many storms can the two of us take
When there's so much at stake
Something must break
No rope left
A hopeless home left
Without you

And I feel
And I feel
And I feel
So lonely
Feel so lonely
Is it me now?
Or is it you?

And I feel
And I feel
And I feel
So lonely
Only lonely
Without you

And I feel
And I feel
So lonely
Is it me or is it you

And I feel
And I feel
And I feel
So lonely
Lonely only
A without you

And I feel
And I feel
And I feel
So lonely
Is it me?
Or is it you?
8-No More Fun.
From the stairway to heaven to the laughing gnome
It's a mighty long way down rock 'n' roll
We got no more, no more fun

Age before beauty, pearls before swine
And whatever happened to the wild, wild times
From the Memphis God to the Liverpool boys
And the guitar kings made a lot of noise

We got no more, no more fun
No more fun
We got no more, no more fun
No more fun

I said age before beauty pearls before swine
Whatever happened to the wild, wild times
No more fun

And they were dressing like hookers
And they were dressing like queens
It had nothing to do with New Orleans
We got no, no more, no more fun
No more fun
We got no, we got no, no more fun
No more fun

It don't seem like fun and it ain't necessary
Never wanted to be no shorthand secretary
Now they're punching their keyboards, kiss their machines
It ain't got much soul and it's squeaky clean

We got no, we got no, no more fun
No more fun
We got no more, no more fun

We got no more, no more fun
No more fun, no more fun, no more fun
No more fun, no more fun, no more fun
No more fun, no more fun, no more fun
No more fun, no more fun, no more fun
No more fun, no more fun, no more fun
No more fun, more fun, no more fun
No more fun, no more fun, no more fun
No more fun, no more fun, no more fun
Ah, ooh, ooh, oooh

Tonight, we're painting this town red
Tonight, we legislate on blue
Tonight, we paint your mother green
Act out all our dreams
And we'll celebrate me and you
Yeah we'll celebrate me and you

Tonight, with all things possible
Tonight, we'll fly beyond all cares
Tonight, we'll tear down all the walls
Ride down waterfalls
And we'll
 celebrate me and you
Celebrate me and you
Across the skies, into the void, we'll disappear

Celebrate me and you

Yeah we'll celebrate me and you
Tonight, we're drinking this town dry
Tonight, we'll see the tables turned
Tonight, we'll see our bridges burned
Tonight, we're painting this town red
Tonight, we'll see the tables turned
Tonight, we're painting this town red

Cha, cha, cha
10-Where Are You Now?
Don't have much education
Not much anyhow
Just believed what they told me
And oooeee, look at me now

Must be more to life than this bum deal
Some direction somehow
Some kind of a reason
Yeah, I wanna know

Tell me where are you now
Tell me where are you now

Don't have much of religion
Not much anyhow
Don't have much to look up to
We killed all your sacred cows

Just trying to file a flight plan
Need some direction, need it now
Some kind of a reason
Yeah, I wanna know

Tell me where are you now (that we need you)
Tell me where are you now

You don't have to be, you don't have to seem
You don't have to scream, for any big deal, for yourself
You don't have to bleed, you don't have to believe
You don't have to pretend to know what's right
Or what's real

Tell me where are you now (we need you)
Where are you now
Tell me where are you now
Tell me where are you now (that we need you)
11-Working Class Hero.
As soon as you're born, they make you feel small
By giving you no time instead of it all
'Til the pain is so big you feel nothing at all
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

They hurt you at home and they hit you at school
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool
'Til you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years
Then they expect you to pick a career
When you can't really function you're so full of fear
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you're so clever and classless and free
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

There's room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill
A working class hero is something to be
Yes, a working class hero is something to be

If you want to be a hero then just follow me
If you want to be a hero then just follow me
12-London Town
I got it down, I got it down
I got it down in London Town
I got it down, I got it down
I got it down in London Town

Dig this and dig that
Dig the thin and dig the fat
Dig the boys and dig the girls
Dig the straights and dig the curls
Dig the future, dig the past
Dig the audience and cast
Dig the sights, dig the sounds
Yeah, dig this London Town

C'mon down (c'mon down)
To London Town
C'mon down (c'mon down)
To London Town (to London Town)

Electric light surrounding me
Feel the electricity
Feeling up, getting higher
Feed on my electric fire
If you wanna get up, you gotta go down
Get your fix on London Town
So c'mon down
To London Town

C'mon down (c'mon down)
To London Town
C'mon down (c'mon down)
To London Town (to London Town)

C'mon down, I got it down, I got it down in London Town
I got it down, I got it down, I got it down in London Town

I got it down
I got it down
I got it down
I got it down
I got it down
I got it down, I got it down, I got it down in London Town

I got it down, I got it down
I got it down, I got it down
I got it down, I got it down

But for the fact that the eye can cease to respond
The brain to absorb, the heart to miss a beat
The spirit to launch itself at hazardous speculation
That surely the weird creatures that make up
This dark hive called London, or for that matter the world
It would lie spread before us every day such it seemed
It haunts the brains of magnates
The delirium of heads and brains and hands
The camalcade hardly to be suffered
The very implessness of it's inventive fantasy

C'mon down
C'mon down
Come on down
C'mon down
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on
C'mon down
Come on
Come on down
Come on down

Clay miracles float by in a hundred lights
The eyes of constellations swarm through London
Sight becomes cluttered, there is no end to it
Beneath the electric glare and the fog
In downpouring sunlight and fire light
In wind and sun rise are at dusk
There is no end

One night stand

No en el álbum.
-Keep a Knockin'-Editada en el single Pressure On.


You keep a knockin' but you can't come in
You keep a knockin' but you can't come in
You keep a knockin' but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow night and try it again

You said you love me but you can't come in
You said you love me but you can't come in, wow
You say you love me but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow night and try it again, oh yeah

Wooh, yeah

You keep a knockin' but you can't come in
You keep a knockin' but you can't come in
You keep a knockin' but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow night and try it again

You say you love me but you can't come in
You say you love me but you can't come in
You say you love me but you can't come in, wow
Come back tomorrow night and try it again, yeah

Keep knockin'
Oooh, yeah

You keep a knockin' but you can't come in
You keep a knockin' but you can't come in
You keep a knockin' but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow night and try it again

You say you love me but you can't come in
You said you love me but you can't come in
You said you love me but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow night and try it again

Oooh, yeah
You keep a knockin'
You keep a knockin'
You keep a knockin'


You keep a knockin'
You keep a knockin'
You keep a knockin'
Oooh, yeah

One more time now

You keep a knockin' but you can't come in
You keep a knockin' but you can't come in
You keep a knockin' but you can't come in, wow
Come back tomorrow night and try it again

-One Night Stand-Solo se puede descargar.
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Boys and girls
Around the world
Hear it all
When the feeling runs strong

A one night stand
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna one night stand
A one night stand

Fun is king

In the name of fun
A one night stand
I wanna one night stand

Around the world
I wanna one night stand

I wanna one night stand
I wanna one night stand
A one night stand
A one night stand
I wanna one night stand

Boys and girls
Around the world
A one night stand
Hear it all
I wanna one night stand
Hear it all
I wanna one night stand
Hear it all
I wanna one night stand

Boys and girls

The Prize of Love-No publicada pero perteneciente a las sesiones de este álbum.

CDs del álbum.
Roger Taylor 'Surrender'
Roger Taylor 'Pressure On'
Roger Taylor Pressure On2

Roger Taylor 'Surrender'
Roger Taylor Surrender 1
Roger Taylor 'Pressure On'
Roger Taylor Pressure On1
Roger Taylor 'Electric Fire'
Electric Fire Cd.
Roger Taylor 'Pressure On'Roger Taylor 'Pressure On'Roger Taylor 'Surrender'Roger Taylor 'Surrender'
Rarezas Del álbum.
Roger Taylor 'Surrender'
Surrender picture disc
Roger Taylor 'Surrender'
Surrender picture Disc.
Roger Taylor 'Electric Fire'
Electric Fire álbum vinilo 12"
Roger Taylor 'Pressure On'
Pressure On vinilo 7"